Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28th 2010

Things that don’t, it turns out, induce labor:

Long walks
Spicy foods
That one thing that always follows spicy foods
Jumping up and down singing “Have You Seen the Muffin Man”
Popping out from corners and screaming
Pretending to be asleep until your wife gets near and then sitting up and screaming
Pretending to fall asleep at the wheel
Throwing your wife on the bed
Pushing on your future baby
Reasoning with your future baby
Arguing with your future baby
Trampolines of any variety
Popping out from behind a truck and screaming

Pretty much, ain’t nobody having a baby around here. And Isabel doesn’t like me nearly as much as she used to. Maybe it’s all the popping out and screaming. ???

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